Petre Inspirescu va mixa Fabric68

Episodul cu numarul 68 al celebrei compilatii Fabric, ce apartine de clubul londonez cu acelasi nume, va fi mixat de cate componentul [a:rpia:r] - Petre Inspirescu.
Compilatia va apare pe 18 februarie dar poate fi deja comandata in preorder de pe site-ul clubului londonez.

Despre acest mix Petre Inspirescu declara:
"I recorded the mix at home and arranged only from my own productions, as I wanted to try to offer a more classical touch to the music I make for the dancefloor and to present it to people. Some of the songs were recorded more than one year ago, maybe two, and some recently. The songs include recordings with a trio (violin, cello, piano) in my studio, other instruments, voice (soprano) and modular sounds."
Petre Inspirescu - Gradina Onirica from ConCon on Vimeo.

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